We are proud to offer you a FREE service in Pakistan. Most of the mobile phone users keep changing the mobile phone. New and enhanced features in mobile phones attract
everyone to buy new ones . Most people hesitate to buy new mobiles because they have old one and want to sale out in good prices.
We are almost solved this problem to this kind of our kind nation. Now you can sale out your second hand mobile phones instantly to nearest
user of your town in city.
You can also use this service to sale out your second hand mobile phone to other users of your town or city. You can see
second hand mobile phone in big cities like Lahore, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Islamabad.
How to Sell Fast?
1 – Set Reasonable Price
2 – Give Every Thing Clear in Description
3 – Give High Quality and Real Pictures of Mobile Phone
in black color full in good condition just some screches at the back and alittle crack at the front which is undetectable contains the latest version of android and complimentry back filp cover
Sony Xperia Z2
Purple Color
condition 10/10 like new
only one issue is that its back camera issue hay pic a1 banata hay but focus main koi issu hay may be in setting ...
condition is 10/10
not a single scratch
i'll garantee that there will be no issue in the phone
with using wifi battery timing is near 20 hours,,so it can go through a whole day
i have phone and data cable,
charger toot gya hai
i need money so plz serious buyers connect me
i can negotiate a little bit..!